Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bill Irwin/Ukeleles/Dent May/Covers

Bill Irwin, even if he hadn't appeared as Mr Wiggles on Sesame Street, has become the pre-eminent face of "The New Clowning." And he's a hekuva nice guy to boot.

What? Nobody told me he has a lead role in "Rachel Getting Married." Really good movie, although admittedly it sports some serious cringe-moments.

Here is a playlist comprising excerpts from his post-post-modern, post-deconstuctivist, post-ridiculousness-ist performance piece, "In Regard of Flight," as it appeared on PBS in the mid-80s (I think.)
There are five segments here, and they should play one after another (hey, cool, youtube!)

Speaking of ukeleles (if you made it to the last "In Regard" segment…), here's Dent May & his charming ukelele thing:

Ukes, ukes, everywhere!
Four more vids in a sequence - all covers! all great!

Speaking of cover versions, here's one I like of Tom Waits' "Innocent When You Dream" as done by Great Lake Swimmers

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